

To make progress, we heavily depend on donations. Thus, we will happily accept donations through the following channels:
platform legal receiver costs details
SEPA money transfer Verein[1] 0 € Name „Lukas Prokop“ IBAN AT721912050010921510 BIC SPBAATWW
github sponsors (TODO) tajpulo[2] TODO TODO
paypal donation (TODO) tajpulo[2] TODO TODO
SEPA money transfer (TODO) tajpulo[2] 0 € TODO
Verein “Verein zur Förderung von digitalem Textsatz” is an Austrian legal entity by several people. If you donate through this platform, the money is guaranteed to fund digital typesetting efforts. The funds are managed and approved by several typesetting enthusiasts. This club is promoted here, but it is project-independent.
tajpulo is a private person subject to Austrian/EU law. If you donate through this platform, the money is only guaranteed to support tajpulo in his software development efforts. You trust tajpulo to handle your donations properly.

Payment options

We accept one-time donations as well as recurring donations. One-time donations might be suitable if you use our deliverables only once when developing a project, but it is later handed over to other maintainers. Recurring donations enables us to plan ahead and is more suitable if you want to support us long-term.


Any generic donations are dedicated to the high-level goals of typho. But we want to enable you to specify in more detail how we spend your donation. Thus when donating, you can optionally add the following texts:

We acknowledge that it would be an obvious next step to let you specify any other component or even issue number. Sadly, that is not how humans work. Solving a particular issue on command sometimes — but not always — makes sense. If we target a deadline for a feature, we don't want to interrupt our work. As a result the keywords above are a tradeoff between “specific enough for donators” and “vague enough for humans”. And there is no harm in contacting us to tell us what you would like to see implemented.

Transparency report

Every year, we publish a transparency report so you can see where funds have been going.

Members and contact

Hopefully, we will grow over time.


Legally responsible for this website:

Lukas Prokop
Jakob-Redtenbacher-Gasse 26/6
8010 Graz